Tuesday, February 17, 2009

John + Nitro Circus = LOVE!!!!

There's been a noticeable hole in my heart where one of my ALL TIME, DESERT ISLAND, TOP FIVE, TV shows used to nest - that show is JACKASS. And sure it lives on in DVD, Theatrical Release and on my iPod but, like all love, it needs to have a "freshness" about it to sustain the emotional investment you put into it. I have found something to fill that void.
Every Sunday night @ 9Pm (CST) on MTV - comes a twisted little production from the minds of Johnny Knoxville and Jeff Tremaine featuring the X-Treme X-ploits of X-Athlete Travis Pastrana and friends called Nitro Circus.
Whether they are trying to back-flip a motorcycle over a ravine, jump out of a plane without a parachute, or jump a Big Wheel 40-feet into the air into a crowded boat dock, Travis and his gang of nuts are going at it hard, 24/7, and there is no downtime -- it's just fast, faster and disaster. Let me be clear.... It's not Jackass... but like love... close does count for something.
Here's a taste of something called "Slip and Bleed".

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